Monday, December 31, 2012

Monday Stuff

I know there’s at least one video out there (from Lawrence O’Donnell, I think) where he and some panelists are having a good time laughing about some of the political nonsense over the past year. I happen to think humor should be left in the hands of the professionals, unless it’s snarky to make a larger point as opposed to snark all by itself.

In case anyone hasn’t picked up on this by now, I happen to think these issues are serious. I honestly don’t understand people who just say, “oh, what difference does it make, nothing will change, and my life won’t be affected regardless of who’s in charge.”

Really? I repeat – really?

Even when Democrats act in a cowardly fashion (all too frequent of an occurrence, I realize), they’ll still manage to act in the interests of the majority of this country more than the party of the Teahadists ever will. And the fact that there are people out there who still don’t get that, with everything that’s going on and has occurred already, is truly epochal ignorance as far as I’m concerned.

So, with that boring pretext out of the way, I give you some moments of humor over the prior year as recalled by Jon Stewart (a little too much bleeped out in one segment, but I can more or less get it)…

The Daily Show with Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
A Look Back - November 2012
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…and I’m not sure what tune I should feature as we bring the year to a close, so I’m just going to go with this; thanks to anyone and everyone who has spent any time whatsoever at this blog over the prior year – I’ll try to add as much content as I can as permitted by my for-profit activities and other responsibilities; best wishes to all for a happy and safe year of 2013.

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