Monday, December 03, 2012

Monday Stuff

Just a reminder that the whole “fiscal cliff” kabuki is nothing but a scheme to try and use the debt as an excuse to continue taking from those who can afford it the least, so that the “pay no price, bear no burden” crowd can continue to skate (and Erin Burnett is definitely a spokesperson on their behalf)…

…fortunately, Robert Reich provides the reality point of view here (God, I hope Obama and the Dems are actually listening to this)…

…and in a related story, former Reaganite Bruce Bartlett is my first new hero for this (and FDR’s great words ring truer now than ever…big surprise that Veronique de Rugy collects a paycheck from George Mason University, the same bunch of “gilbertarian” fools and frauds that brought us Tyler Cowen…just a mere dotted line to the tentacles of the Koch Brothers)…

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

…and Bob Costas is my second new hero for this

…which brings to mind this tune for yours truly considering this in response (h/t Atrios) – I always fall back to this question; why the hell don’t we enact gun laws that make it less life-threatening for the cops?...

…and speaking of law enforcement, I give you this (trying to bring up the seasonal mood).

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