Monday, September 24, 2012

Monday Stuff

I guess you can call this a bit of humor echoing a serious message (here)…

…and I know I gave it to Kathy Boockvar yesterday for her wishy-washy sort-of endorsement of the Affordable Care Law, but apparently, she gave an interview recently with the oh-so-august-in-their-imaginations editorial board of the Bucks County Courier Times, and she said things that were a lot more in line with what a Dem is supposed to think and feel and believe, IMHO (no oil company subsidies; get our military out of Afghanistan – depending on what the brass has to say...conditional, I know, but pragmatic; and raising the top-tier tax rate to 39 percent – here, and to help Boockvar, click here).

And of course, since we’re talking about Gary Weckselblatt and Mikey the Beloved’s PR factory, they pointed out moments when they asked her questions and she didn’t know the answers (honestly can’t recall our Longtime Bucks Resident Good Catholic Father And Former Eagle Scout PA-08 rep getting that kind of treatment). They also pointed out how many times Boockvar has run for office and lost.

Now why does that sound familiar...

…and here is a message to Willard Mitt from one of the “47 percent” (here)…

…and what the hell is wrong with that man anyway (here – h/t to Jed Lewison for the pic).

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