Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sunday Stuff

Minnesota Dem Governor Mark Dayton might as well be talking about our beloved commonwealth (here)…

…and I dedicate this to David Frei and the Westminster Kennel Club for dropping Pedigree as a sponsor to the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, apparently because Westminster had a problem with Pedigree’s ads encouraging adoption of non-pedigreed dogs (here) – what, do you think your audience will object to non-pampered pooches? Are they all supposed to be Disney characters or something?
“Show me an ad with a dog with a smile; don’t try to shame me,” Mr. Frei told The A.P. The kennel club had expressed its concerns to Pedigree, he said, adding, “We told them that, and they ignored us.”

I hope an adopted dog finds Frei’s leg one day and mistakes it for a fire hydrant.

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