Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunday Stuff

So RNC head pimp Reince Priebus alleges that President Obama is not unlike the Italian cruise ship captain who ran his ship aground and is, at this moment, “suspected of multiple counts of manslaughter,” as Think Progress tells us here.

I know the Repugs will go ever lower accusing Obama of anything they think they can get away with; given that, though, I thought it was a good idea to remind us of a president who did, in fact, get people killed for his own personal motives…

…though Priebus is merely reading from the same delusional script that his ideological fellow travelers are reading from, as Bill Maher notes here (and by the way, the Maher eye-roll towards that moron Dana Rohrabacher was for this...also, "f"-bomb alert here).

Update: God, that doddering old fossil Bob Schieffer is such a corporate media clown (and good call by karoli at C&L to invoke Capt. Sullenberger instead here).

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