Monday, August 22, 2011

Monday Stuff

Gee, President Obama takes out both bin Laden and Quadafi - no wonder the wingnuts are beside themselves (And what calm, rational folks the Quadafi regime are, aren't they, as seen below? And no, I don't have a clue as to whether or not that's the correct spelling of his name...I don't know what it is anyway - I want to get to at least one more video on this, but probably not tonight; also, probably no posting tomorrow)...

...and considering the above, doesn't this look like a genius move from Former President Nutball in September 2004 (but ssshh, nary a word of reproach from our corporate media - audio at about :37)...

..."Worst Persons" (yep, I would say that Lamar Smith is a subject matter expert on embarrassing behavior, more proof that "values" charlatan Tony Perkins is a fraud, and sleazy weasel Eric Cantor penned some true dreck today in the WaPo, which I'm sure warmed the cockles of Fred Hiatt and his coal-black heart)...

...and RIP Nick Ashford - along with Valerie Simpson, this is one of their signature tunes…my condolences.


Anonymous said...

and Obama inspired the end of the Mubarak reign.

doomsy said...

I realized that after I pressed Publish on the post - thanks for reminding me.