Monday, May 02, 2011

Monday Stuff

In case anyone hasn't noticed, our corporate media is already starting to spin the story of bin Laden's killing along the lines of "well, he was just a figurehead at this point"...

And Barney Frank asks a really good question here about Obama supposedly finishing the work of Dubya, or whatever...Clinton tried to kill bin Laden in the '90s and didn't get him: does anyone seriously think that, had Dubya bagged him somehow, he and his crew would have said they were finishing the work of Clinton, or whatever? Hell no - they'd rub Clinton's face in it forever...

...and I don't know what "base" Joe Scar is referring to here, but I'm sure there were plenty of Obama supporters gathered at Ground Zero and in front of the White House last night (his comment about "ideological leanings" illustrates what Frank is talking about)...

...and let's not forget that Obama got done what he said he'd do here...

...and as all of this played out, this song kept running around in my head; there are times when I imagine still seeing Don Havlish emptying his cart and paying for groceries at McCaffrey's Supermarket.

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