Saturday, March 26, 2011

Saturday Stuff

RIP Gerry Ferraro - she went kind of "full mooner" at the end when trying to support Hillary Clinton's run for the Dem presidential nomination in '08, but I think she'll always deserve credit for this at least (the '84 vice-presidential debate with Poppy Bush)...

...and the next time you hear anybody make jokes about Canada, just remember that at least that country has enough common sense to know how ruinous tax cuts really are, unlike us apparently - some fun, eh?...

...also, I didn't have this ready quite soon enough for the earlier post, but V.D. Hanson tells us here that passing cap-and-trade legislation would have led to a "depression" because of loss of jobs...meanwhile, in the real world, tells us here that, at worst, there would be a slight loss of employment with jobs in traditional energy development lost, and at least partly offset, by developing alternative technologies...just add this to the ever-growing list of things Hanson knows absolutely nothing about as noted here - third bullet.

And as a reminder, this clip tells us what's at stake (preaching to the choir, I'm sure, but it needs to be said again)...

Update 3/27/11: Kudos to Austrailian PM Julia Gillard for this, by the way.

...and we haven't had any Indie fun for a little while, so here goes.

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