Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tuesday Stuff

Rachel Maddow provides a welcome dose of sanity to the idiocy of what passes for our political dialogue in this country...

...and for God's sake, people, they're professionals risking their lives for us - who the #@!$ cares what their sexual preference is (but we know that, even if Fix Noise doesn't)...

...and I detest Ed Snider as a warmonger anyway, and I don't care how many millions he donates; he basically began the destruction of a storied Philadelphia landmark today so his rich friends could have more places to spend too much money (here...and of course, the Russians came back in '76 to lose the game when they were told that they wouldn't get paid if they forfeited)...

...and this song has been on my mind a bit lately (sorry, no video).

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