Saturday, May 22, 2010

Saturday Stuff

Oh by the way, Dr. Rand Paul cancelled his appearance on “Meet The Press” this week; the Paul campaign released this official statement…

…”Worst Persons” from last Thursday on “Countdown” (Flush Limbore compares President Calderon of Mexico to Senor Wences, the caricature that we all laughed at on the old Ed Sullivan Show of course…the puppet, that is – nah, no ethnic stereotyping there; Dana Perino accuses Obama of not taking questions on immigration – sure, he only took one from the fourth or fifth most popular Spanish language network in this country, that’s all; but Karen Schoenfeld and the bar she owns (and the cheering patrons) get the nod today for setting a bust of President Obama on fire – I sure hope the Secret Service scares the fertilizer out of her)…

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…”Worst Persons” from yesterday (John Stossel of Fix Noise breathes new life into the Rand Paul stuff just when the Repug senatorial candidate was hoping it would die a natural death; Newt Gingrich continues to compare Obama to the Nazis – you know, at what point does our corporate media finally say, “You know what, Newt? You’re an utter buffoon, and you have zero chance of being elected president, so we’re not going to take you seriously any more.” – next question, I know; but “Chicken Lady” Sue Lowden of Nevada gets the nod for possibly committing an act of campaign fraud – that would apply if she’d accepted the RV in question as a gift, since such donations can’t exceed five grand)…

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…and after reading this Paul Krugman column yesterday, I found myself thinking of this song (and yes, I know what it’s really about...sorry the ending got chopped off; thanks loads to EMI for being total bastards about embedding the original).

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