Monday, May 10, 2010

Monday Stuff

"Worst Persons" (Joe The Plumber wants to beat up Bill Maher and tried once to steal women's underwear...and would you believe this guy actually won elected office as a Repug in Ohio?; Mann Coulter gives us another crackpot history lesson, this one about those "liberal" World War II isolationists - shouldn't this woman be in jail for legitimate vote fraud in Florida by now?; but Oklahoma Repug Mary Fallin gets the honors tonight for using taxpayer dollars to publish and send a mailer telling her constituents - and others in her state, since she's running for governor - how she doesn't waste...taxpayer dollars - yep, this supposedly august civil servant watching her constituents purse voted for the bailout, as noted can also read about some "funny business" with Fallin and a state trooper)...

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...and now, time for another chapter in the ongoing saga of "Young Goths In Love" - don't hurt yourselves, kids (and Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are nowhere in sight, shockingly enough).

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