Thursday, April 01, 2010

Thursday Stuff

(Posting is questionable for tomorrow, by the way.)

Thus does the murderer Scott Roeder, avowedly "pro life," now become a member of our penal system, granted the benefit of remaining days on earth that he denied to Dr. George Tiller - let us hope and pray that no one else ever follows in Roeder's footsteps, though, if past is prologue...

...and speaking of crazy, Sean Hannity calls the tea party numbskulls "Tim McVeigh wannabes," no doubt offering encouragement to the next nut case with a gun. And he's serious... mean, "wannabes" responsible for stuff like this, Sean (hat tip to The Daily Kos - God, this is appalling even for Hannity)...

Update 4/2/10: Nope, no connection at all (here)...

..."Worst Persons" (More "Bolshevik," if you will, from Dick Morris, complaining that protesters are featured at appearances by Sarah Palin or Mann Coulter, or something - like that extra snarky dig at the end, by the way; Flush Limbore turns out to be merely "uninformed" - yeah, that's the ticket - as to whether or not children with pre-existing conditions will be covered under health care reform; but Blanche Lincoln gets the nod here for something that really tears it and is utterly despicable, running some cutesy little TV ad where she pretends to be some kind of Cokie and Steve Roberts-approved "sensible centrist" opposing health care reform, then running a radio ad that, ahem, sounds as if it's catering to a particular racial demographic in which she claims she "stood with" Obama on health care reform - to do what you can to begin her forced retirement from public life, click here)...

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...and I'm glad to see she's back with a hit - she was huge in the '80s, and it looks like she hasn't aged a day.

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