Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wednesday Stuff

(I put up a video over here - the weather has definitely reduced my blogging capability today.)

This goes out to the Op-Ed page of the Bucks County Courier Times, which just loves Mikey Fitzpatrick a whole bunch (and yep, a term-limit pledge is another maneuver from a career politician)...

...and yeah, all you climate change deniers, after we've just lived through the warmest ten years on record, just continue to pretend that there's no problem; just look outside your window in these parts and sing "Don't Worry, Be Happy" - you fools...

...but worst of all is this from our "hopey, changey" chief executive...

...and in response, I give you Paul Krugman, who said the following today...

...first, baseball players didn’t trigger a global economic collapse, and second, the baseball industry isn’t the beneficiary of a massive and continuing taxpayer bailout (continuing because banks would be in deep trouble even now if it weren’t for the belief that they have a government backstop).

Yes, he said some things about making compensation better tied to results — but it was framed purely in terms of stockholder interests, with no mention, again, of the damage bankers have done and the public support they still require.
It astonishes me (though I guess it really shouldn't) that this White House thinks it can throw a few populist, rhetorical bones out there to satisfy the Democratic Party base, but then come back a little later when it thinks people aren't paying attention and say this stuff.

And while I don't encourage "sitting on hands," no one in this White House should be a bit surprised if that happens this November and beyond (bye bye cap and trade, jobs bill, energy, and don't get me started on health care again - almost too pathetic for words)...

...and I don't know about you, but I'm sick of looking at snow - here's about 30 seconds of a sunset from Aquinnah beach in Martha's Vineyard as a "tonic" of sorts...sigh.

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