Friday, November 27, 2009

Another Corporate Media Epic Fail

This Time Magazine feature by Andy Serwer of Fortune Magazine laments how the decade that he believes is coming to a close was so horrible (of course, the decade chronologically doesn't end until next year, but why let reality get in the way of a good story line?). And I'll agree that not a whole lot of good things have occurred; the Phils won the Series last year, Obama was elected (which, despite the weak "stim" and Afghanistan, is still a good thing), and Patrick Murphy was elected also, and a couple of other good things happened (personally, I had a slammin' time in Las Vegas a few years ago, but I digress).

But it's a funny thing ("funny strange" as opposed to "funny ha-ha") - you read all 4,033 words of his article, and somehow there's no mention whatsoever of the deluded, quasi-literate egomaniac who very nearly wrecked this country as a result of his utter, eight-year nightmare of a presidency (and who is pictured above).


Sometimes there are no words, people.

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