Saturday, October 31, 2009

Saturday Stuff

(Posting is questionable for early next week, by the way.)

As you watch this, recall that the whole policy of banning the filming of our returning war dead was instituted by Poppy Bush because he thought CNN made him look bad when our fallen heroes were returning from the first Iraq war (and I liked Lawrence O'Donnell's spirited response to the Cheneys here - would that we had a lot more of it; by the way, speaking of Poppy Bush, nice comments here about the people who voted for you too, dude)...

...and shifting gears a bit, here is the song of the day.


Anonymous said...

Liz Cheney is the gift that keeps on giving. We know she is lying.

She knows she is lying. The wing nuts know the policies of the past and know she is lying but they do not care. They defend and justify the lies.

Bush and Cheney never paid respects to the returning dead soldiers at Dover.

As Commander In Chief the president should be there. Thank you President Obama for doing your job.

Grandson #1 now in the Air Force. He gave considerable thought to enlisting but did not want to serve under Bush. He did not want Bush's name on his papers.

I now have 2 grandsons in service. Service is family tradition..their dad and mom served, 20 and 15 years each and every generation served.

We are a 2 Blue Star family, and we have 7 White Stars hanging in our window to honor our family veterans.

How many of the wing nuts in power can say they have any in service? much less have served themselves.

Memo to Liz, I would suggest you enlist, to make up for your fathers cowardice, but it would be awesome to see you and Sarah team up and run for the White House in 2012.
It would be the end of the wing nut party for sure.

doomsy said...

Thank you for your family’s service for our country. And while I’d also like to see Liz Cheney and Palin run because they’d get electorally destroyed, that probably wouldn’t be the end of their party.

And actually, we need two political parties in this country at least, but the antics in NY-23 prove beyond a doubt that the Republican Party as it is presently constituted isn’t a serious political organization (unless you’re talking about primarily elderly Sothern white men). If the message of pushing out someone like Dede Scozzafava isn’t plain as day to anyone except the previously mentioned demographic, then it never will be.