Monday, June 08, 2009

Monday Stuff

"Still Bushed" (I swear, I don't think we'll ever stop having to deal with this crap one way or another...if you thought the contractor recordkeeping under Former President Highest Disapproval Rating In Gallup Poll History was utterly nonexistent...well, you're right, but think again anyway; and Ok, so we give our former pal Pervez Musharraf in Pakistan $7 bil to fight al Qaeda, and he uses a lot of the money to build weapons systems to threaten India - guess P.M. taught Dubya a thing or two about "bait and switch" here for a change; and Keith tells us the story of plaintiff in the Boumediene v. Bush case - somebody else who got rounded up for no good reason, by all accounts)...

...and I don't know how much of a parallel you can draw between K.O.'s clip and this vid, but all I know is that I like it because it rocks.

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