Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tuesday Stuff

Still shooting for a return tomorrow - we'll see...

In the meantime, it looks like The Poor Man Institute beat me to the punch here (h/t Atrios), but here I go anyway (with former pretend presidential candidate Mike Huckabee channeling Richard Beymer a bit here)...

..."Worst Persons" (TV blogger David Zurawik of The Baltimore Sun tries to make fun of K.O. and Rachel Maddow by comparing them to Nazi propagandists in the '30s - nice; Lt. Pete Hegseth is next with more of this "eight-plus-years-of-safety-since-9/11" crap - yeah, usually we should leave our service people alone, but this clown is an exception, and a nod to Atrios to boot; Laura Ingraham takes it, though, for alleging that torture is somehow OK if it only happens three times...wonder if she got her law degree from the same place as Christine Flowers - really don't want to contemplate the bizarro universe of these people)...

...and by the way, consider this video to be a public service announcement (as a parent, it doesn't make me feel warm and cozy - ugh)...

...and this gives you a bit of insight into our NYC activities of a few days ago; great show (overdue for some jazz here, and a big raspberry to the Italian gentlemen at our table who wouldn't shut up).

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