Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wednesday Stuff

Let us now pause and recall a certain R. Nixon who shed his mortal coil 15 years ago today - my own personal memory is getting called into work for half a day even though the market was closed for the observance, and we all gathered and went to Rafters in West Chester for a "liquid lunch" before going home; the damn place burned down a couple of months later.

Yes, we all know what he did and we all know what he was. However, imagine a Republican Party today acting in accordance with a fraction of the grace and humility Nixon showed in this speech...

...Fmr. Brigadier Gen. Janis Karpinsi talks to K.O. about who approved torture under Bushco, making an impassioned appeal for the people formerly in her charge (sounds like, "game, set and match" to me; I know I was tough on England and Graner, and rightly so, but that's only more reason why "the usual suspects" should rot in jail also - great idea for international representatives looking into this, by the way)...

...however, short of that...

...and oh yeah, time to rock harder.

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