Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tuesday Stuff

Another questionable posting day tomorrow, by the way...

Since the lapdog media coverage of Dubya has continued after his exit on 1/20/09, including their fluffery over his speech in Calgary today (the AP story today by Rob Gillies carried the headline, "Bush Won't Criticize Obama After His Departure," implying that there's something to criticize Obama for, and also implying that Dubya should do so also since his lunatic former veep did as well), this is being presented as a counterbalance (the "reality point of view" once more - this was good also)...

...and "Still Bushed" (I just about can't think of a word to describe how repugnant it is that this guy won't even mention Iraq in the profile of himself for his Fabulous Freedom Library; and Afghanistan isn't mentioned either, nor is the fact that 42 percent of those polled now think that THAT war was a bad idea also - hope that idiot Bret Stephens at the Murdoch Street Journal hears about this; and this is what K.O. was referring to in the interview with Jim Moore - yep, the Red Cross said we tortured...I'd call that "game, set, and match," people)...

...yep, this is something we can do, all right...

...and I'd featured this from the Wordpress site; I thought it was appropriate for this special day.

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