Thursday, March 26, 2009

Thursday Stuff

(Also, I was able to post over here after all.)

Oh yeah, I would consider Karl a subject matter expert on this...

...and Bill Orally is also a subject matter expert of sorts in his own utterly sorry way (more here)...

..."Worst Persons" (Fox humanoid Megyn Kelly laments AIG death threats - no I don't condone that, but seriously, that's a surprise? - which is hilarious considering that such fare is typical for their network, with examples too numerous to name, including what I noted previously; Glenn Beck talks to a dead fish and complains about Obama and the Teleprompter, and yes, this is ALREADY old; and climate change denialist House Repug Joe Barton of (where else) Texas recites his tired litany once more)...

...and I tried to find a good Motown video featuring the Funk Brothers to commemorate the passing of Uriel Jones, and I thought this would suffice even though this post-dated Jones and his fine crew a bit (circa 1980, when the Temptations returned to Motown).

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