Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday Stuff

Looks like the good people of Minnesota will be represented by their second Democratic U.S. Senator pretty soon based on this (and that would be the guy doing the Jagger impression here; works for me – h/t Eschaton)…

...and you wanna hear a Dem with an attitude? Check this out...

...K.O. and others pay tribute here to Beverly Eckert, one of the passengers who died on Flight 3407, a true hero for our times...

…and considering what transpired this week in the “will he, won’t he?” Judd-Gregg-at-Commerce saga (as I warned about here), the next time our president feels an urge to be “post-partisan,” he should do two things: 1) He should read this post to find out what that has gotten him so far, and 2) He should watch this video (Richard Marx in an 80s-glam-rock flashback) to help put everything into context a bit (politics only being slightly removed from porn and show biz anyway).

(And by the way, considering all of this, I thought this was the best post of the week...and this is just waaay too damn funny.)

Update 2/14/09: Spot-on commentary by Jamison Foser of Media Matters about all of this "partisanship" nonsense here (h/t Atrios)...

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