Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thursday Stuff

Bye Blago; can't say I'll miss ya' (wonder if Bobby Rush will have any luck trying to suck up to the new "guv"?)...

...and what a shame that Chip Saltsman has apparently dropped out of the running for the RNC chairmanship; I mean, he represents them perfectly, as kos notes here (including this little gem)...

...I haven't checked in with K.O. for a little while now; here's "Worst Persons" from Monday (former Clinton labor secretary Robert Reich slams Flush Limbore, Sean Inanity AND Michelle Malkin - haven't come up with a parody nickname for her yet; Citigroup CEO Vikram Pandit tries to buy a luxury corporate jet with our bailout money - hmmm, doesn't his name rhyme with "bandit"...just wondering; and former Lehman Brothers Chairman Richard S. Fuld, Jr. hides assets from creditors by transferring them to his wife, gratis of course - real nice)...

...Seether ("Breakdown"; awesome song and a really cool vid).

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