Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Wednesday Stuff

200 days to go, people (ostensibly, a bit of humor)...

Bush Tours America To Survey Damage Caused By His Disastrous Presidency

...OMIGOD! The "Terrorist Fist Jab" didn't start with Obama!!...

...Sy Hersh talks to Candy Crowley of CNN about Bushco's shenanigans inside Iran (Hersh has been "crying wolf" as far as some are concerned about Iran, but he's a pro, and he's credible, and I don't want anything more to "hit the fan" than what already has)...

Update 7/3/08: I'd expect this from Dana Bash, not Dana Priest.

...and more "Worst Persons" from K.O. (the Kings County story is awful and Turd Blossom is lying as usual, and BMW Direct too; channeling Zero Mostel/Nathan Lane? "If you've got it baby, flaunt it!" - tired of screwing around with MSNBC's videos).

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