Wednesday, July 09, 2008

John W. McBush Sure Is A “Drag”

Looks to me like “Senator Honor And Virtue” is taking lessons in comedy from Mike Huckabee, and I don’t mean that as a compliment (here)...

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee was asked about the number of exports going to Iran, specifically the increase in cigarette exports.

McCain looked surprised at that fact and in a line somewhat reminiscent of his "bomb, bomb, bomb, Iran" comment last year said, "Maybe that's a way of killing them." Then he followed it up quickly noting that it was a joke.
Putting aside the fact that he apparently has no firm positions on anything unless it has been approved by a Repug-friendly focus group, I seriously question this man’s mental state and (God help us, if he were elected) would he highly concerned over whether or not he would “lose it” altogether under the strain of serving as president (based on that remark and a few others, as well as his Dubya-esque tendency to get snippy at every perceived provocation).

This, however, does serve as a curious kind of lead-in to the fact that, in 1999, McCain once sponsored tobacco control legislation (here, which, curiously, was opposed by AMPAC, the AMA’s political action committee), though in 2007, McCain described Bush’s SCHIP veto as the “right call by the president” here, and also referred to the cigarette tax as a "phony smoke and mirrors way of paying for it."

Funny how McCain once supported legislation with the intended goal of trying to wean Americans from one of the most addictive products on earth to opposing it when it could have served the purpose of providing health insurance for kids and their families who couldn’t afford it.

Along with everyone else, I will take note of all of the moments when McCain compromises positions he once held for the purpose of political expediency, as he did here (and I expect to be quite busy). I have no doubt that, as a result, his presidential candidacy will eventually go up in smoke (sorry – had to say it).

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