Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Today’s Edition Of “Opinion Writing For Dummies”

In typical fashion, Maureen Dowd again today makes a feeble attempt to generate sympathy for either Hillary Clinton and/or Barack Obama before sticking in the shiv, as it were, with a slap down at the end here, reinforcing the narrative that Obama is merely some kind of golden boy living a charmed life and Hillary is this utter pretender for the White House who has achieved absolutely nothing without the assistance of her husband.

Here is a laughable excerpt…

Instead of carving out a separate identity for herself, she has become more entwined with Bill. She is running bolstered by his record and his muscle. She touts her experience as first lady, even though her judgment during those years on issue after issue was poor. She says she’s learned from her mistakes, but that’s not a compelling pitch.

As a senator, she was not a leading voice on important issues, and her Iraq vote was about her political viability.
To make it easy for Dowd, I’ll provide this link to Clinton’s web site where she touts her accomplishments as a U.S. Senator as well as this link that discusses her activities as first lady.

And it really isn’t that hard to pick one or more topics at either location and do some independent investigation. Dowd could try a variety of online searches for different key words (Hillary Clinton, health care, 9/11, Iraq) and see what she comes up with and follow up the leads accordingly. And dare I say it – she could actually pick up a telephone and call some people for actual facts from interviews instead of spreading around utterly uninformed gossipy innuendo.

As Dowd might put it, to do any less would be her failure, not ours.

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