Sunday, August 21, 2005

Republicanus Ignoramus

I caught some of "Real Time With Bill Maher" last night - I missed Paul Hackett subbing for Cindy Sheehan in the beginning, but I heard about 10 minutes of the panel discussion with Chris Rock, Repug pollster Kellyanne Conway, and Repug career-hanger-on Asa Hutchinson.

Chris Rock is great, but he's totally out of his element in these shows because his thing is going off on his own riff with not much of a script to follow. As for Conway, I had to wonder how lobotomized she truly was to keep repeating the Repug script about Iraq..."it took this country years to pass our Constitution, I guess the people who oppose the war want to see Saddam's 'rape rooms' return, Hillary Clinton supported the war," etc. Conway is merely continuing the now-futile sleight of hand on the right in an attempt to fool people into continuing to think that Bushco's war for oil and empire is actually a just cause. It isn't, and it never was, and she should give up. As for Hutchinson, he didn't say much aside from the usual propaganda himself.

(Actually, I have a confession to make: At this point, whenever I hear a Repug speak who has a Southern accent, as Hutchinson does, I tune this person out. I know I'm 'painting with a broad brush,' but guess what? This country had the chance to replace the dim-bulb coward we currently have with qualified but dull-as-dishwater John Kerry, and we know what happened, and the people who helped Dubya return are from the South and the West, and with that in mind, I'd like to bring back this oldie but goodie from last year.)

Another thing - the Bucks County Courier Times stated that approximately 1800 of our people have been killed "in the global struggle against terrorism." No. That represents Iraq, which, as we know, had nothing to do with terrorism against us in the beginning. Our people who have died in Afghanistan, those killed on the Cole, the African embassy bombings, 9/11 of course...THEY were victims of the global struggle against terrorism. The 1800 were victims of the "Blood And Oil" Bushco campaign.

Finally (and make no mistake about this), the price of gas is high because a fraction of it is coming out of Iraq than that which had been planned by Bushco, subsequently driving up the price due to tight supply (another byproduct of both their greed and tragic miscalculations).

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