Saturday, December 23, 2023

Saturday Stuff

I now give you the latest installment of This Day In Doomsy History (more or less) from 12/18/18, in which Casey Michel reports on the World Congress of Families Conference in Moldova (more here)...want to know how Vlad The Butcher managed to get such a grip on American (allegedly Christian) evangelicals and, by extension, the Republican Party, leading the way to the installment of The Gropenfuhrer in 2016? This has a lot to do with that (with this Allen Carlson character travelling to Russia to form the WCF)...yes, Putin is beyond contemptible, but the Russians know how to play this country politically and maximize the impact of our divisions...I’m definitely not saying we should give up in response, but I AM saying that we should understand what we’re up against, and we should call out the traitors and collaborators working with the forces in Russia seeking to defeat us...I think the National Prayer Breakfast should be ripped up by its roots and utterly destroyed for all of the damage that it has done to this country - and by the way, speaking of how evil Putin is, I know I haven't had a video about the Ukraine war for a long time; that has more to do with the fact that those videos end up being age restricted on YouTube - I definitely haven't forgotten about it, for what it's worth...

...and as if we need a reminder (though I know we don’t really), Fix Noise is beating the drum for the return of Trump (and by extension, Putin’s influence) by calling for a civil war that they pretty much would gladly cheer on from the safety of their luxurious studio in NYC while “the rabble” ate each other alive, all for ratings (with Ingraham and that nematode Jesse Watters leading the cry – Jesse Dollemore tells us about it)...

...well, for more positive religious news, Beau tells us that Pope Francis has said that the Catholic Church can bless same-sex unions, though this doesn’t mean that they’ll participate in a same-sex wedding...still, though, this is definitely good news IMO and a big step forward for an institution that, shall we say, moves at a glacial pace on this stuff...

...and More Perfect Union brings us another fine clip, this time about the fight to save a nursing home in Lincoln County, Wisconsin, which apparently is pretty bedrock conservative (some sneaky stuff playing out with the town council and attempts at privatization, to say nothing of across the whole country, with costs going up and the level of care going down)...pretty galling to find out that 700 nursing homes across the country have been forced to close since 2020...great to see the residents stepping up in response; we can all profit from such a fine example...

...and I hope these selections are helping you get into the holiday spirit, if you aren't there already.

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