Sunday, December 24, 2023

Sunday Stuff

I’m going to deviate a bit from the typical fare at this site and present this clip from CNBC about funding for AI, ChatGPT in particular, and how jobs in that emerging development area could be a destination for folks impacted by tech layoffs this year; clip first aired about four months ago...I know on balance that the economic news is good, but as someone who spends varying amounts of time on Linkedin for different reasons, I should note that I’ve seen some horror stories about people looking for work having to deal with multiple phone screens, in-person interviews, presentations, assessments, competency tests, the lot, often only to find that the job requirements for the position changed, funding was eliminated, work was offshored, etc. – I hope the information in this clip can aid job seekers somehow; nothing sucks quite like looking for a job during the holidays, and yes, I know what that’s like (not now, fortunately...and of course, leave it to that puke Jim Cramer to be calling for people to get canned in order to spur earnings on “the big board”)...

...and returning to the political stuff, Harvard law professor Laurence Tribe and former U.S. Court of Appeals Judge J. Michael Luttig speak with Ali Velshi about the legal wrangling over keeping Combover Caligula off the Repug presidential ballot in Colorado...clip is deliberate and goes on for a bit, but these two perspectives in particular are really important IMO (and here is some typical idiocy in response)...

...and going even further down the Trumpist rabbit hole, apparently “prophet” Julie Green talked with God about Putin’s 2020 election secrets (uh huh), as Jesse Dollemore tells us (mildly NSFW/H...I can take or leave the phone bit, but I think “arrogant mook” is a correct description)...

...and Trae Crowder returns with holiday greetings (NSFW/H)...

...and we only have a handful of seasonal selections left, but I think these deserve to be included also.

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