Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Wednesday Stuff

Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur of TYT discuss the obscene wealth accumulated by billionaire heirs of CEOs...and yeah, as Ana sez, to me, the big takeaway here is that the problem of private equity running amok into all kinds of areas of our lives (as opposed to, say, actual public investment) is going to get worse...and Cenk dumps on wealth managers here a bit, which is misinformed at a minimum as far as I’m concerned, though Cenk’s analysis of what private equity does is correct (which Ana pointed out also)...and yeah, the “party of Lincoln” has been trying to get rid of the estate tax for at least 30 years...

Update 12/28/23: More here.

...and the Republican Accountability Project reminds us of the threat posed by The Gropenfuhrer, which we should all be aware of at this point, and the most important thing to do in response is to vote for Biden/Harris, even though we may not agree with everything they’ve done and supported...

...because we have to negate at the polls life forms like the guy driving the vehicle with this disgusting bumper sticker.

...and as long as we’re discussing Our Ochre Abomination, I should also present this clip of John and Brett Erlich of The Damage Report criticizing #45 for saying that Biden is coming after Catholics, with SWAT teams in churches or some such idiocy...

...well, for a bit of much-needed levity, Sam and Emma of The Majority Report discuss a clip from ’05 with Sam on CNN paired with some knucklehead named Bob Knight to talk about the “war on Christmas” (not the dead, chair-throwing basketball coach, but the director of something called the Culture and Family Institute, affiliated with the Christian conservative organization Concerned Women for America)...great stuff at the end with Sam pretending to be offended over mentioning Nazis...nice work also by Sam to point out with humor how ridiculously trivial this topic is right out of the gate...

...and in the few days left for 2023, I want to get to some milestones that I missed or didn’t get to for some reason during the year, and I have to admit that I missed a big one on 9/20, which was the 50th anniversary of the deaths of Jim Croce and Maury Muehleisen in a plane crash...I’d like to present the following as a remembrance.

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