Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Tuesday Stuff

Chris Hayes interviews Jodi Kantor, who co-wrote the piece with Adam Liptak of the New York Times last week on what led up to the atrocious Dobbs decision overturning Roe...and no disrespect to Kantor who is a fine reporter, but I kind of lose patience with the hair-splitting exercise of giving a shred of credibility here to Amy Coney Island Baby Barrett, and “Beer Bong Brett” Kavanaugh acts like the duplicitous fraud he is through and through, and this “de-listing” BS to create the appearance of deliberation and distance when THEY WERE GOING TO DIVE ALL OVER THIS ALL ALONG is another disgusting piece to this awful saga...and the back story on the leaked opinion is pretty interesting, though the whole exercise described here is contemptible on its face (and I still say it was leaked by Ginni Thomas...try proving me wrong)...

...and I know this clip is also a little old, but I think it matters to get “disappointed” Susan Collins of Maine on the record over the case of Kate Cox in Texas, to say nothing of reminding us on how Collins caved for “I Like Beer” Kavanaugh, as well as the fact that The Supremes will hear the mifepristone case necessitated by this ruling from that goofball Trumpist judge in Texas (John and Adrienne Lawrence, who makes a scary but completely correct comment on how this SCOTUS doesn’t give a fig about precedent)...

...and Mike Figueredo tells us more on the rise and fall of Moms for Liberty (and you can’t just say a “whites only toy drive” is an oopsie! and leave it at that...and yeah, more stuff here on the Zieglers in Flori-DUUH!...NSFW/H)...

...and this clip from Eleven Films in honor of #SolidaritySeason presents Howard Schultz of Starbucks and Bob Iger of Disney, among other truly bad corporate actors, basically saying “the rabble” is having it too easy again (Bernie and AOC also are featured “rallying the troops”)...

...oh, and in case anybody was thinking of taking a journey “across the pond” over the holiday break...well, I might think again (incredibly NSFW/H)...

...and this selection from our neighbor to the north means that it's time to conclude our holiday tunes for the year...hope you enjoyed.

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