Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Wednesday Stuff

Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur of TYT bring us the oh-so-woeful story (snark) of Almost Silent Clarence “The Job Is Not Worth Doin’ For What They Pay” Thomas...more great reporting from I read these astounding dollar figures that the Thomases borrowed (and let’s not forget that this includes Ginni too, who gave aid and comfort to the 1/6 traitors and of course is still part of the cadre that wants to overturn our government), I couldn’t help but remember the incredibly paltry sum by comparison that forced Abe Fortas off the High Court and led to the conservative hammerlock that Tricky Dick created, which exists with The Supremes to this day...

...but the big story on Action News, as they say, is A Certain Treasonous Orange Pestilence not being allowed on the presidential ballot in Colorado for inciting the 1/6 insurrection...yeah, this whole thing is headed straight for the High Court of Hangin’ Judge JR as alluded to above, which is probably where this whole matter belongs (and if they find a way to rule in Combover Caligula’s favor, there should be crowds with torches and pitchforks in front of 1 First St. NE...David Doel tells us more...and speaking of Action News, my sympathies for real over this)...

Update 1/2/24: Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold is truly a hero as far as I'm concerned (here).

...and returning to the story of Christian and Bridget Ziegler and the former’s attempt to get paid before he steps down from his Repug Party post in Flori-DUUH!, Farron Cousins tells us that Big Stupid Head Matt Gaetz took a break from cavorting with underage teenage girls (allegedly!) to say that politicians accused of involvement in sex scandals should first, pal...

...and I give Chris Hayes so much credit for this incredibly clear-eyed analysis of why the Gaza attacks must end...yes, Hamas started this with their indefensible assault on October 7th, but as Hayes tells us, the vast majority of Gaza has been destroyed, putting huge numbers of people at risk for disease, starvation, and continuing slaughter...and no, pointing that out doesn’t automatically mean siding with Hamas; the murdering cowards of that despicable organization should be held to account, but in an international court...

(OK, so YouTube flagged the clip as age inappropriate somehow, probably because of the film of the kid from Gaza with part of his leg missing. I think that's ridiculous, but I don't own the platform - here's the link to the video...yes, the kid missing part of his leg is terrible, but calling attention to atrocities like that is part of what Hayes was doing...more here.)

...and Kyle Kulinski brings us the latest “woke Pope” developments, with Francis commendably calling out the IDF as guilty of terrorism for targeting Christians in churches; shouldn’t be that controversial to state such a plainly obvious fact...#46, IMO, is getting played on this by AIPAC, and when push comes to shove, those cretins won’t be there for him next November...I have a feeling Kyle is right on what this has done to Biden’s support among younger voters, and his support by Muslims is pretty damn microscopic now unfortunately...

...and I know it's hard to keep up anything approximating a holiday spirit given these stories, but please allow me to keep trying anyway with these selections.

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