I now give you the latest installment of “The Day In Doomsy History” (more or less) from 7/22/16, in which we view the Friends of the Earth ad That Fox News Doesn’t Want Its Viewers To See (more here, here, here, here, here, and here)...
Update 7/28/23: And why does this not surprise me in any way (these criminals have been trying to demolish government agencies that protect us, namely the EPA and CDC, only since about freaking forever).
...and Jeff Waldorf tells us that the individual taking over the 8 PM slot for The Swanson TV Dinner Heir on Rupert The Pirate’s propaganda channel is blaming “eco-extremists” for trying to call attention to the catastrophic effects of climate change (more here)...
...and on this subject, I thought Beau had some good advice about letting the wingnuts take a bit of a “victory lap” over their proposal for “a trillion trees,” which of course is barely doing anything positive and, by itself, won’t come anywhere close to solving the problem...I understand what Beau is saying and I think he’s basically right, but it’s still pretty damn pathetic that this is the best the other side can support at this point...
...and turning to other matters (in this case, the ’24 presidential election), Farron Cousins tells us that Repug candidate Vivek Ramsawamy sez that 1/6 happened because “big tech” censored the Hunter Biden “story”...almost as dumb as Ramaswamy telling Don Lemon that African Americans can thank the Second Amendment for their civil rights (mildly NSFW/H)...
...and Ana of TYT brings us the story of 16-year-old Guatemalan immigrant Duvan Perez, who was killed in an accident at a meat processing plant in Mississippi...child labor violations are up 283% since 2015 as the clip tells us, and I have to admit that it’s hard for me to get my head around a number like that...and why am I not surprised that, when it comes to potentially eliminating laws against child labor (I don’t buy the “loosening” framing here, BTW), this gut-churning development manages to somehow link back to the irredeemable Leonard Leo? And I understand Ana’s frustration at the end, believe me, but until more people realize that they need to care about their families, friends and communities (and the planet, which is another discussion noted previously) more than they hate Democrats, stories like this will probably continue, and believe me when I tell you that I want to be wrong...
...and here is another summmer tune to hopefully give us a brief respite from all of this utter madness.
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