Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Tuesday Stuff

Francesca, Cenk and Mark Thompson tell us that blue states are planning to use shield laws to send abortion pills to patients in red states, which I think is a good way to say “FU” to the wingnuts on this issue; shield laws have apparently been put into practice in the EU also, which is where the idea comes from I believe...kind of unbelievable that, in this day and age, we have to create what amounts to an “underground railroad” like this, but thanks to wingnut judges along with the execrable Leonard Leo and The Federalist Society, we are where we indeed are...

...and Farron Cousins tells us that Hunter Biden’s lawyers have filed an ethics complaint against Marjorie Traitor Greene for introducing those nude pics in that congressional hearing last week...yeah, Greene should end up in the slam for that, and I don’t say that lightly, but speaking only for myself, I’ve had enough of the utter nonsense of that bunch and it’s waaaay past time for somebody to pay a price for it, and with the exception of Boebert, who else is more deserving?...

Update 7/26/23: It's about goddamn time! (here).

...and Jesse Dollemore tells us about Alabama Repugs flipping off the SCOTUS, more specifically, on a ruling that would require the voting map in that state to be redrawn to include a second majority African American district...

...and Eric Swalwell talks about “15 Votes for Speaker” McCarthy trying to expunge Trump’s impeachments, which I don't even think is a thing (and one of those 19 U.S. House Repugs in Biden-won districts is this guy of course – to do something about Bri-Fi, click here...and good for Swalwell to mention rebuilding that section of I-95, which was a partnership with the Feds and PA Dems and was indeed a remarkable accomplishment...and yes, I know we have to pay attention to Our Treasonous Orange Pestilence from time to time, but to be honest, I’m tired of wasting calories on that narcissistic sociopath; put him in the slam for 20 years and be done with it)...

...and David Doel tells us about a volunteer group in Houston (Food Not Bombs) which has been fined thousands apparently for feeding the homeless outside of a library (doing so when the place is closed after hours...and yeah, four cops are just standing there waiting to ticket the group – can’t get my head around the stoo-pidity, I have to admit)...and in case anybody out there is thinking “oh, there he goes bashing Repugs again”...well, they’re at least partly to blame for what goes on in this country, but Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner is a Dem...and yeah, I think Doel is exactly right that all of this is because the mayor doesn’t want the homeless near city hall...

...and this is a bit of a summer song...looks like the mercury is going to climb again in these parts, so please be careful and look in on anybody who’s infirmed or elderly if you can as well as kids, and don’t forget your pets either if you have them.

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