Monday, July 24, 2023

Monday Stuff

Thom Hartmann tells us that The Roger Ailes BS Factory recently ran with a “story” about how misgendering people in Michigan, as an act by itself, is now a crime, but even though the “story” turned out to be total BS, Repug politicians in that state are trying to recall 5 Dem politicians in the state house who supposedly are responsible for the law, which doesn’t do what the Repugs say it does...does your head hurt over this nonsense yet?...

...and Jesse Dollemore tells us that RFK Jr. recently ran with his hurt fee fees over to the same propaganda network noted previously after getting called out in that recent U.S. House hearing (slightly NSFW/H)...Jr. may be one of the most pathetic public figures I’ve seen in a loooong time, because of this and myriad other reasons (more here)...

...and speaking of pathetic figures, Francesca, Cenk and Mark Thompson of TYT (not them) tell us about megadonors contributing to “Curtsy Kyrsten” in her sure-to-fail re-election campaign...yes, as the panel notes, the real danger is that Sinema could pull votes away from Ruben Gallego and allow that loon Kari Lake to win the seat...

...and Mike Papantonio and Farron Cousins tell us how much corporate America loves stoo-pid politicians who do what they’re told, especially on the local level; the issue is all of the Jobs! Jobs! Jobs! that people are excited about at the ribbon-cutting ceremony when these places break ground, but then – ooopsie! – most of those jobs evaporate after these corporate criminals get their money...Foxconn, Boeing and Amazon are mentioned here, but there are probably too many other companies to name...

...well, for an example of an employer actually doing the right thing, this More Perfect Union clip goes to the home district of Marjorie Trailer Park Greene to find that it is becoming a hub of sorts for Hanwha Qcells, a company that makes solar panels, believe it or not (and yeah, it looks like this is another reason for our corporate media to go “meh” on the Inflation Reduction Act, making the polls on what a great job overall Biden has done with the economy even more negative instead...and yeah, Marjorie Traitor Greene is still an idiot, but we knew that)...

...and happy belated 70th birthday to Eric Bazilian of The Hooters.

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