Thursday, July 27, 2023

Thursday Stuff

Willie Geist and some of the “Morning Joe” crew (I recognized Mike Barnicle, but not the other lady) interview Bloomberg News reporter David Kocieniewski on the story of the proliferation of U.S. guns in Thailand, the Philippines, Central America and elsewhere, particularly these weapons of death manufactured by Sig Sauer (typically disgusting story of how the gun maker tried to “launder” the sale of the German weapons in this country, and when Germany found out about it, they put the CEO in prison for a few weeks, which is exactly what some of the corporate criminals in this country deserve also...and yeah, I’d like to see the Biden Commerce Department stand up a little more on this issue too)...

Update 8/24/23: More here.

...and Thom Hartmann discusses “Operation Save America,” yet another spin off group from the evangelicals...yeah, they hate gays and Muslims of course, but they REALLY hate women who have abortions (this all-male panel in charge...of course...thinks that women not giving birth deserve the death penalty)...but they’re “pro life” – uh huh (more here)...

...and Mike Figueredo tells us that it looks like a bunch of conservative moms tried another ban of LGBTQ-themed books at a pride display at a San Diego library...these loons basically checked out the books in question and pretty much held the books hostage, if you will, and boy, did San Diego ever step up big time in response – nicely done...and all of this madness while the planet continues to melt (NSFW/H)...

...and gee, it looks like Repug U.S. Senators Cornpone Kennedy and Huckleberry Graham are all in a snit over Dem attempts to rein in our out-of-control SCOTUS with even the blandest of measures...the proposals from Dem U.S. Senators Dick Durbin and Sheldon Whitehouse, important as they are, have a hard road in the “60 Votes For Passage” U.S. Senate and no shot whatsoever in the U.S. House with those lunatics in charge, but it’s important to try and hold our renegades in robes accountable (John and Jayar tell us about it...this is yet another issue where I hear nothing but stone freaking silence from the national Democratic Party organizations, who may end up losing the battle for the narrative on this issue among others)...

...and Beau tells us that “15 Votes For Speaker” Kevin McCarthy may actually launch an impeachment inquiry against Biden...yeah, I can see that slim majority going up in smoke big time next year, though we all need to work to make sure that happens; good point by Beau on what independent voters would likely think of this nuttiness, especially since those who might vote in favor of impeaching Biden failed to do so for Mango Mussolini when much stronger cases were made against him...

...and here’s another summer tune to help us all (hopefully) decompress a bit.

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