Friday, July 21, 2023

Friday Stuff

Jesse Dollemore is joined by Cliff Schecter to discuss the latest antics of Marjorie Trailer Park Greene and her decision to introduce what apparently are nude Hunter Biden pics into a congressional hearing, which violates a D.C. ordinance about revenge porn as Jesse points out...yeah, there truly is no bottom for these life forms, and Lesley Stahl, among others, should feel like a total idiot for legitimizing the monstrous behavior of this utter lunatic...

...and this story is referred to in the prior clip...Sam and Emma of The Majority Report tell us about Greg Abbott’s decision to order the border patrol to force immigrant kids into the Rio Grande river with barbed wire...I wish I could disagree with the comment from Matt about not a big stink being raised because Trump isn’t president anymore, but unfortunately I can’t (hopefully Dark Brandon will stand up and do the right thing, though Abbott is the one inflicting this barbarism, and yeah, mentioning Elliott Abrams is sadly apropos)...more here...

Update: Sanity prevails for once (here).

...and Thom Hartmann tells us about the right-wing billionaires’ plan to turn this country into an authoritarian dictatorship, and how the treasonous criminals trying to perpetrate this really aren’t shy about it; I have a feeling that they’re getting impatient with waiting for enough states to agree to an Article V convention to rip up our Constitution and rewrite it according to their own demented vision and are just trying to cut to the proverbial chase instead (and yeah, the Trump gang will know how to wield power this time if they ever get another chance, as Thom points out – we have to do our best to make sure that NEVER happens)...

...and speaking of Our Treasonous Orange Pustule of a *president, it looks like he’s having a sad/hissy fit, as Farron Cousins points out, because Arkansas governor Sarah Huckabilly Sanders won’t endorse him for prez next year, and she’s also apparently cozying up to Ron #DeathSantis, and I think Farron Cousins is right...which makes it all the more delicious that 45 is having another meltdown over this political slight from someone who indeed might be a table server at Cracker Barrel if it weren’t for her job from Fergus Laing to be a paid liar on behalf of our prior ruling cabal of grifters, criminals and other assorted lowlifes...

...well, for a bit of good news, Kyle Kulinski tells us that the “party of Lincoln” is hemorrhaging young voters primarily over student loan debt according to a poll in Axios (cool! – NSFW/H)...

...and I began the week with the passing of one musical legend, and I’ll try to wrap it up with noting the passing of another, and that would be the incomparable Tony Bennett...I absolutely have to include this as a tribute (more here and here).

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