Monday, January 16, 2023

Monday Stuff

David Pakman tells us about Jason Schofield of Troy, NY, who, until recently, was a member of the Rensselaer County Board of Elections; the problem is that Schofield apparently applied for absentee ballots for himself on behalf of 12 already-registered voters, which happens to be real, honest-to-goodness voter fraud, people...and of course he’s a Republican (more here)...

...and here’s another case of it in Iowa, and from the same political party; John, Francesca and Maz Jobrani fill in the details (more here)...

...and Chris Hayes tells us about Robert Spindell Jr., a Repug (of course) member of the Wisconsin Election Commission, who recently bragged about suppressing about 37K fewer votes in Milwaukee, and given that Rojo The Clown won re-election to the U.S. Senate from that state by 27K votes, basically, without that, Mandela Barnes would be a U.S. Senator...

...but now, turning from illegality to mere stupidity, Jayar, Yasmin Khan and Wosny Lambre of TYT tell us about Missouri legislators who are apparently afraid of women exercising their right to “bare arms” (sorry – couldn’t resist...more here)...

...and for MLK day, I think it's appropriate to revisit this speech from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at Barratt Middle School in Philadelphia on October 26. 1967, with the them of “What Is Your Life’s Blueprint?"....

Update 1: An important note is here (here and here also).

...and this tune is apropos for the holiday also.

Update 2: And oh yeah, there's this...
Update 3: Well said.

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