Friday, January 20, 2023

Friday Stuff

Ana K. of TYT brings us the story of Scottsdale AZ cutting off the water supply to nearby Rio Verde due to a drought, though this ultimately goes back to freaking climate change, people (there are times when I think TYT gets a little strident against Dems, and I respect that that’s their opinion even though sometimes they’re wrong, but in this case Ana does a great job of connecting the dots between deregulation/developers getting politicians to rewrite the laws to favor them and screw over homeowners in places that are pretty much nothing but deserts at this point, even though agri-businesses NEVER have a problem with getting water, and neither do golf courses apparently)...

...and Kyle Kulinski tells us about a report in The Daily Mail on a crackdown within Saudi Arabia by Mohammed Bone Saw based on U.S. intel from the CIA after Jared Kushner got $2 billion...and yeah, I know we’re talking about the Daily Mail, but really, would this be surprising if it were true, as Kyle says? And note to Kyle, by the way...Burisma was a nothing burger; if someone finds out something contrary on that, I'll update this post for sure...

...and Farron Cousins tells us about Repug U.S. House Rep Rick Allen of Georgia (mentioned here also), who says we should raise the retirement age because people want to work longer (and good job to mention the Social Security privatization scheme under Dubya)...there are many responses to this a-hole, but one is to point out that, if you actually took the time to watch the Thom Hartmann video yesterday, you would know that that is an utter lie (and Allen is worth about $52 mil, as noted here)...

...and last week’s Second Thought video tells us why social democracies won’t work (and yes, I’m a week behind again) – “Like other capitalist countries, in order for the (profit) line to consistently go up, wealth needs to be extracted from poorer countries.”...and I’d forgotten about the stuff with Francois Mitterand, but yeah, that’s a cautionary lesson for sure (and I say that DEFINITELY as someone not in love with capitalism by any means)...and the stuff about Sweden is absolutely horrifying...he performs such a service with these videos IMO; I hope he’s able to stay afloat despite what I’m sure are efforts to demonetize him in response...

...and if you knew anything at all about Philadelphia-area music (or popular music over the last 50 years or so generally, actually) and you mentioned The Geator, that could only mean Jerry Blavat, and I honestly don’t know how you can sum him up in a single phrase...disk jockey, TV personality, archivist, ambassador of sorts for all kinds of genres of popular music...doo-wop, soul, R&B, pop – tributes are pouring in of course, as well they should be (here)...and I know there were allegations that he knew people in organized crime; you can say that about a few entertainers actually, and it me, it doesn’t diminish their work...

...and the news about The Geator comes on the heels of the news of the passing of David Crosby, which is another musical body blow of sorts...I guess, if the reports are to be believed, he could be difficult at times (you could say that about just about anybody I’m sure), but he was much beloved also of course, and as noted here, he was nobody’s are three tunes as a tribute.

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