Thursday, January 19, 2023

Thursday Stuff

Mike Figueredo tells us about the antics from Manchinema at Davos recently...I thought the “high five” thing was metaphorical when I first heard about it, but I should have known that these two insufferable scumwads would literally do it, and leave it to Sinema to wear that weird wool stole thing (and OF COURSE Chris Coons was involved also...and gee, how freaking clueless is CBS “News” anyway...Edward R. Murrow must be spinning in his grave)...

...and of course, given that we have a Dem in the White House and the “party of Lincoln” in control of one of the chambers of Congress, there is all of this pearl-clutching going on and looking for the fainting couch over “THE DEBT THAT IS STEALING FROM OUR KIDS!” or some variation thereof...well, do you want to know WHAT ELSE adds to the debt? Corporations not paying their damn taxes, that’s what, and Kyle Kulinski tells us that 34% of profitable corporations paid $0 in the first year that the tax law from Our Treasonous Orange Pestilence went into effect in 2018...

...and Jayar Jackson tells us about a lady working for a company that laid her off who made a TikTok video about it...I’ve definitely been in her position and it sucks more than you can imagine, but when it happened to me, I got the word from this a-hole head of quality assurance at the main office in MA, and the local HR rep who helped me did the best she could, and I didn’t blame her for it...oh, and by the way, I was also expected to train the offshore person about how to do my job as a condition of getting my severance; at least I had a couple of months to look for something before I got kicked to the curb (and when it comes to layoffs, a related item is here...and that second clip looks like it’s right out of Glengarry Glen Ross, but it’s from some rally or something from some outfit called The Elliott Group, which I guess does all of this sales motivational BS...wonder how much a company paid these clowns to scare their employees like that?)...

...and sticking with (sticking it to?) corporations, Robert Reich tells us The Truth About Corporate Subsidies (and yeah, a lot of the subsidizing instead of regulating started under The Sainted Ronnie R, in case you were wondering – big surprise, huh?)...

...and Thom Hartmann discusses Why Inequality Makes Americans Miserable (Thom mentions the Buckley v. Valeo and FNB of Boston v. Bellotti SCOTUS rulings in 1976 and 1978 respectively, along with Citizens United of course in 2010 as the causes of what opened up the metaphorical floodgates in favor of corporations...and three guesses who fought to keep closing the “hedge fund loophole” out of the Inflation Reduction Act, as Thom says? Thom also mentions the Tillman Act against corporations and campaign contributions passed under TR...the intent was good, but Tillman was always difficult to enforce because of the tricks corporations would pay with hiding illegal campaign expenses)...

...and I have to admit that I didn’t know Pittsburgh had so much soul; have to get over to the other side of the state more often.

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