Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Wednesday Stuff

In our latest example of clueless U.S. House Republicans, we have Anna Paulina (“Taxation Is Theft”) Luna of Flori-DUUUH! basically saying that we should spend for defense and apparently not much else (which would eliminate her salary too, something she’s obviously too clueless to realize, as David Pakman tells us)...

Update 2/11/23: Just call her "Mrs. George Santos" I guess (here - more on him shortly).

Update 2/18/23: And apparently, at least one other U.S. House Repug is guilty of having an imaginary resume as noted here.

...and I know the whole Chuck Todd/RoJo thing is a couple of days old by now, but I thought I should bring up this clip from Jesse Dollemore of the reasons why I avoided this subject is because RoJo is such an utterly contemptible POS who has managed to make a financial killing at taxpayer expense (here), to say nothing of the fact that (as pointed out already by fellow Wisconsin Repug Robert Spindell), Johnson WOULDN’T EVEN BE in the U.S. Senate any more if the ’22 midterm had actually be run fairly without massive voter disenfranchisement in Milwaukee (here)...I may end up saying this for 6 years, but I’ll say it again...Spindell claimed that 37K voters were suppressed, and Rojo won by 27K for Chuck Todd, yes, give him credit for trying to hold Johnson’s feet to the fire, but RoJo IMMEDIATELY turned into a whiny little bitch as soon as he was called on his BS talking points...if this is supposed to be some kind of a flaming controversy, I think this is actually pretty weak stuff (and wingnut media is, as always, particularly pathetic in giving RoJo his “fainting couch”)...

...and David Doel tells us about the over-focus by our corporate media on the alleged classified docs “scandal” (mildly NSFW/H)...I think this is a pretty good analysis of what the Gropenfuhrer did versus what Biden did, but with all due respect to Jamie Raskin, I don’t think mentioning the 1/6 insurrection was the right way to go here, though he was right to hammer home the fact that Biden and his team have complied and tried to clear this up versus what happened with Our Ochre Abomination at Mar-a-Lago...I honestly don’t know if Biden should run for another term or not; I think his record as president is good enough, and I also don’t believe that this “story” by itself should be a basis for that decision one way or the other...

...and as long as we’re dealing with the legislative branch of our government, I should bring you this clip of Farron Cousins telling us about congressional Democrats introducing the “SANTOS Act,” aimed right at you-know-who (good stuff - and the video is a little amusing, but this is genuinely disgusting)...

...and some caveman attorney general in Alabama named Steve Marshall wants to prosecute women who take abortion pills, even though such prosecution is illegal thus far, even in that state (John and Jayar tell us more – and yes, you can blame Republicans for being horrible bad actors on behalf of the uber-wealthy and nobody else, wanting to persecute anyone who can’t shower them with campaign cash, and you can blame the Dems for not screaming about this the way they should, but here is my question...WHERE THE HELL IS OUR BEYOND-USELESS CORPORATE MEDIA ON THIS STUFF??!! And yes, I know all they care about is the “horse race” and I know they think actual policy that affects real people is BOOOR-ING, but stories like this shouldn’t be covered only by brave local media that may be extinct one day, unfortunately)...

...and kudos to John Fogerty for this - well deserved at last.

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