Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Tuesday Stuff

Jesse Dollemore tells us that the U.S. House Republican majority is bringing back smoking in that chamber of Congress (well, to their offices anyway)...to hasten their own extinction I guess (to say nothing of others ingesting second-hand smoke)...what a cunning plan!...

...and I should note that I added that counter on the home page to show how much time there is before we can vote out the ruling clown-car caucus in the U.S. House; I have to tell you that I can’t stomach the thought of the ’24 presidential election...despite that, I’m bringing up this clip of Farron Cousins (nothing against him) pointing out that Flori-DUUUH! Repug guv Ron #DeathSantis apparently is a scared little kitty kat around non-friendly media...wow, what a tough guy!...

...and as long as we're talking about the U.S. House, Mike Figueredo brings us this Repug idiot named Rick Allen in Georgia (of course) who wants to raise the retirement age for Social Security (and I think the clown shoes are a little "on the nose")...

Update 1: Yeah, this sure figures, doesn't it?

...and Rachel Maddow last night brought us the story of Trumper and election denying lunatic Solomon Pena, who is in custody in New Mexico, accused of having a hand in shooting up six homes/offices of Democrats in that state (don’t hold your breath waiting for 45 to decry what this guy allegedly did...how the hell did this guy end up as a Repug nominee for elected office? But then again, I know you can also ask that question about "George Santos")...

Update 2: More here.

Update 3: I have a feeling a lot more "rocks" will get turned over with this Pena guy before too much longer (here).

Update 1/18/23: And why is this not surprising?

...and speaking of bone-headed Republicans, John and Brett Erlich tell us about this Jack Nelsen guy in Idaho comparing women’s reproductive health to cows (here)...umm, don’t let the door hit you on the way out, jackass, though I have to admit that that was halfway decent apology for real...

...and Sam Seder gives us a bit of a Tragical History Tour about Baby Newton Leroy, Tom DeLay and their pals (and I have to admit that I’d forgotten about Bob Livingston too) based on Jake Tapper tossing out a sound bite to shoot down Dana Bash (which was completely true about Dennis Hastert, by the way)...

...and also with a nod to our country’s history over the last 30-40 years or so, Kyle Kulinski discusses a poll telling us that 9 percent fewer Repugs support MLK day as a holiday than when it was signed into law in 1983 (a new “mask off” period indeed...Kyle’s history on MLK Jr. is spot on, BTW...and yes, Dr. King got mad at Dems and liberals, but only because they didn't go far enough to the left, and King was correct to be that way IMO)...

...and with the first clip in mind, I absolutely couldn’t resist this selection (titles scroll by too fast at the end...oh well).

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