Friday, January 13, 2023

Friday Stuff

Trae Crowder tells us about wingnuts losing what little exists of their actual minds over the FAA grounding flights recently and how that, as far as they're concerned, absolutely had to be the fault exclusively of Biden Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and nobody else, and of course those screeching the loudest are using this as another projection update is here...

...and this TYT Investigates clip shows that the “party of Lincoln” hasn’t learned a damn thing about trying to cram anti-abortion bills down the metaphorical throat of this country...

...and Thom Hartmann tells us what this new U.S. House Committee chaired by Gym Jordan could be up to, basically giving the McCarthy treatment to anyone opposing the treasonous 1/6 insurrectionists, with Hartmann giving us some background on the “Hollywood 10” and potential parallels to now (and as Thom says, who knows what other “fishing expeditions” such a committee could launch, and against who, especially since we’re talking about a character like Jordan)...

...and Mike Figueredo of The Humanist Report discusses the Glacier v. Teamsters case before the “shadow docket” SCOTUS (with a tweet thread by Elie Mystal...cement workers went on strike and the cement hardened in the process, and the company is going after the workers for the cost of the hardened cement...yeah, it’s definitely a “tell” unfortunately that “Strip Search Sammy” Alito and “I Like Beer” Kavanaugh and their pals are involved, trying to take over from the NLRB)....

...and Jesse Dollemore discusses the U.S. House Repugs going after BLM and pride flags – “The Old Glory Only Act”...yeah, I’m surprised this Jeff Duncan character didn’t include a display of a cross burning in the press release from his office announcing this joke of a bill (mildly NSFW/H)...

...and this is probably the most clear-eyed commentary I’ve heard yet on all of the debt ceiling BS gamesmanship from the unruly children in charge of the U.S. House of Representatives from Beau – challenging this nonsense in court based on the precedents Beau sites here is a great idea, and I think the "trillion dollar coin" is another alternative as noted here (and I haven’t said much on the “Biden secret documents” stuff because I don’t think there is a “there” there)...

...and here are two more tunes as a tribute to Jeff Beck.

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