Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Tuesday Stuff

I call this a terrific opening ad for Lucas Kunce, running against Josh Hawley in Missouri for the U.S. Senate...more here (and as far as I’m concerned, one of the MANY failures of Sean Patrick Maloney, head of the DCCC, in the last election cycle was to not funnel more resources to Kunce running against Trudy Busch Valentine...TBV won the Dem primary, ran against Repug Eric Schmitt and lost...Busch didn’t even know what the issue was with Citizens United)...

...and speaking of Dems running for the U.S. Senate, David Doel brings us some GREAT news about Katie Porter, running for that chamber from CA; wouldn’t it be awesome to see her doing her thing with the whiteboard right in the face of Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao? And I’m genuinely sorry to hear about Di-Fi, but that’s all the more reason why she needs to retire...and with all due respect to Ro Khanna, I hope he stays out now also, and though I respect Barbara Lee and Adam Schiff too, I hope they remain on the sidelines as well...

...and Farron Cousins tells us more about Matt Gaetz almost getting his ass kicked last Friday night from Mike Rogers of Alabama before some Repug named Tim Burchett intervened on Gaetz’s behalf...yeah I know I’ve had the pic of this around for a day or so with a link to a story, but here is more on exactly what happened...

...and John and Brett Erlich of The Damage Report discuss a school district in Flori-DUUUHH! using a #DeathSantis law to ban a book about gay penguins...smh (good point about how self-defeating this idiocy is by drawing attention to a book that would probably be largely ignored otherwise)...

...and the prior story is mildly amusing, albeit in a truly stoo-pid way, but this one is dangerous; Mike Figueredo of The Humanist Report tells us about Oklahoma (of course) trying to enact an anti-trans bill eliminating gender-affirming care for anyone under 26, in a state where bigotry is “as high as an elephant’s eye,” you might say (you can Google it :-)...

...and I neglected to mention the story of the 6-year-old in Newport News, VA who shot his school teacher (here)...yeah, just chalk this up as another example of a hand-wringing problem in this country that EVERY SINGLE DEVELOPED NATION ON EARTH has managed to solve except us...

Update 1/13/23: Beyond belief (here)...

...and with the proper amount of righteous outrage, I bring you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (more or less), and we’re taking just a short trip today back to 1/8/21, in which Vaush (in a very NSFW/H clip) gives a commentary in response to the 1/6 insurrection in this country...I had this video in mind given what just took place in Brazil and what is likely to be the total cluster of a Republican-run U.S. House for the next two years...

...and this may be a bit of an incongruously upbeat tune given the prior videos, but I still thought it was pretty good.

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