Saturday, August 15, 2020

Saturday Stuff


Rachel Maddow reports here on the push-back against Repug hi-roller and Trump enabler Louis DeJoy and his quest to utterly wreck the Post Office…yes, it’s great that making noise worked, and hopefully it will continue to do so, but the ONLY way to fix this for real is not to just get rid of the people responsible for it, but everyone who enabled them also (many of whom are on this list, in particular #midnightmoscowmitch as noted here)…

…and Brian Tyler Cohen tells us about Chris Wallace talking with a Fox News mannequin about the Kamala Harris VP pick...very Repug-centric talking points of course since we’re talking about The Roger Ailes BS Factory, but I think Wallace’s assessment was otherwise pretty good…I wish I could take issue with what he said about Harris and Medicare for All, but I have to admit that he’s right…she’s still an outstanding choice for a host of other reasons, though (and I’m sure that, when she debates Mike Pence’s, he’s going to be “clutching pearls” and reaching for the fainting couch like crazy)…

…and I guess it was totally predictable that “birtherism” would return with the Harris pick, and given a platform by Newsweek, which is utter trash for doing so, as David Pakman tells us…

…and I was remiss earlier in not mentioning that yesterday was the 85th anniversary of the signing of Social Security into law; I thought this video explained it a bit, but you might have to turn up the volume...and how typical of The Sainted Ronnie R to, in essence, cut the benefit and raise the age of eligibility (more on Social Security and the Dem-controlled U.S. House is here – the subcommittee in charge is under the Ways and Means committee; I have a lot of issues with Richard Neal, but we are where we are I help Neal's primary opponent Alex Morse, click here)…

…and John and Francesca Fiorentini explain a recent executive order by the Gropenfuhrer on the eviction crisis…well, sort of…on second thought, naaaah

…and I’m continuing to work my way down the list of summer tunes with this selection (#1 on this day in 1966).

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