Monday, August 10, 2020

Monday Stuff

I know that at a certain point we’re pretty much restating the obvious with this, especially since we’re now talking about the Gropenfuhrer and his “executive orders” which of course highlight his demented pre-schooler’s notions of how our government works…yeah, payroll tax “relief” is intended pretty much to try and starve Social Security, which Republicans have wanted for about 80 years…and besides, as others smarter than I have noted, what the hell good does payroll tax relief do when you no longer have a job in the first place? (and sure, climate change is such a "hoax," right?)...

…and Rachel Maddow tells us in this clip what Our Orange Pestilence is basically trying to do for the upcoming election 1) Try to wreck the Post Office in anticipation of big numbers of mail-in ballots coming, 2) Run up bogus third-party candidates to try and siphon votes, and 3) Use the latest Russian operative to try and gather dirt on Joe Biden and used Sens. RoJo and Grasshole to propagate it into the congressional record (what country am I living in again?...and related to 1), she discusses the recent "Friday Night Massacre")…

…and Brett Erlich and Ben Dixon of TYT tell us about CNN’s Erin Burnett handing Trumpster Peter Navarro his lunch over the latter's invocation of Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams in defense of hydroxychloroquine...yeah, I think this breaks the stoo-pid meter (and yeah, I would say that we need yet another investigation into how Navarro got all of these damn pills that don't effectively treat COVID-19, and who paid for them - probably not hard to guess)…

…and I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (more or less) from 8/9/16… Sam Seder speaks with his daughter about a 10-year-old boy yelling “take the bitch down,” with the approval of his mother of course, aimed at Hillary Clinton at a Trump rally, back when the lying, rudeness, profanity, racism and misogyny of the Trump gang was still just a disgusting novelty and not a sickening ongoing characteristic of our political culture, yet…

…and Farron Cousins brings us another study telling us that Fix Noise is trying to break our brains – his point about trying to obtain different viewpoints is a good one, and I honestly would go to sites like National Review Online, The Weekly Standard, Townhall, AEI, and the Murdoch Street Journal before the pay wall, but honestly, these people were such utterly shameless liars that I eventually gave up…

...and it's been awhile since I included a "relationship" song from this century, so here goes - hope you like it.

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