Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Tuesday Stuff


Uh oh – looks like Cadet Bone Spurs is tripping over his lies again, this time on VA Choice (a bipartisan bill signed into law in 2014, and not by the Gropenfuhrer of course)…

…and yeah, it looks like Our Russian Operative in An Oval Office totally bungled American history again, as John I. and Emma Vigeland tell us….”oh yeah, there go those libs again with their…facts…and their…datawho do they think they are??!!”

…and yeah, Repugs, if you think it’s so dangerous to vote absentee by mail, then just don’t bother, OK? (Ana Kasparian discusses with Wonsy Lambre…yeah, I know the numbers are better, but I see all that red on that map and I want to puke…and please watch the “leaning Democrat,” Ana)…

…and given what I think is the great news that Joe Biden has FINALLY made a VP selection (and I think he made a fine choice in Kamala Harris), I thought it would be a good idea to bring back this clip of Harris politely duking it out with Repug U.S. Senate assclown John Cornyn over a typically idiotic crime bill from the “party of Lincoln” (to help the ticket, click here – can’t wait to see Harris go after that alleged human being Mike Pence, he of the utterly dripping holier-than-thou sanctimony...and oh yeah, to do something about Cornyn and some of his other same-party pals, please click here)…

…and I give Thom Hartmann credit (along with his astute caller) for revisting this bit of Democratic history (and speaking of vice presidents…not making assumptions about Harris at this point I wish to emphasize) on FDR’s longtime VP Henry Wallace…I don’t completely agree with everything Oliver Stone posits in this fine series, but he devotes a lot of time to Wallace, and rightly so, and I think Stone’s take on how Wallace got totally jobbed by the Dem bosses in ’44 in favor of Harry Truman is spot-on (Wallace went to Latin America to get their support against the Axis powers in WWII, and Wallace ended up being wildly successful)…would Wallace have dropped the bomb(s)? Kind of interesting historical speculation, something like “would 9/11 have happened if Al Gore were president”…also interesting to speculate on exactly what would have happened if Russia had invaded Japan in WWII – again, an argument to be made that that would have taken place and that’s the real reason why Japan gave up, but I’m sorry – maybe I have a blind spot, but as I said a couple of days ago, we didn’t start the damn war, so I don’t oppose dropping the bombs…

…and it’s certainly warm out enough for another seasonal tune (and kind of a retro one I know), so here goes.

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