Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Wednesday Stuff


Eugene Robinson on “Morning Joe” doesn’t go all the way there, referring to the US as an “s-hole” country, but we do know what he means of course, given that we are international pariahs for making a total hash out of responding to the COVID-19 pandemic (here)...

…and I’m not sure about the authenticity of these numbers about LGBTQ voters in 2016 – if this is true, then this is one hell of an outreach failure by those alleged political geniuses at the DNC – but our fellow Americans with diverse gender identification should vote like the rest of us this fall, like our lives depend on it (and I could never imagine how literally true that statement would ever be); also, the Dem ticket needs to address their concerns by fighting garbage like this

…and speaking of the Biden/Harris ticket, I thought this was some pretty clear-eyed commentary from Cenk and Ana – yes, absolutely support them, get them elected God willing, and then after that, hold their feet to the fire if necessary, and it probably will be.

…also, like you I’m sure, I took a look at the list of speakers for the Dem virtual convention, and I saw the name of Chris Coons – yeah, I get it that he’s from Delaware like Biden, but Chris freaking Coons? Joe Lieberman 2.0? Geez…

…and I’m sorry I'm a little late with this one, but Cori Bush recently took down longtime Dem incumbent William Lacy Clay in a Missouri Dem primary – looks like “the squad” has a new member, which is great news (and once again, that allegedly baad “socialist” Bernie Sanders was right…and I’m sorry, but running on “defund the police” is an electoral loser…I don’t disagree with the sentiment, and I for sure think we need to be smarter about police vs. social spending, but the messaging stinks, and unfortunately that’s the only thing many voters care about…and speaking of “the squad,” this definitely is good news, and conversely, this tells us what direction the “party of Lincoln” is taking)…

…and Kyle K. tells us that cops in San Diego used a 102-year-old statute on “seditious language” as a reason to cite somebody – forward into the past!...

...and RIP Wayne Fontana of the Mindbenders.

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