Friday, August 07, 2020

Friday Stuff

David Pakman’s description of the latest gonzo presser from Our Orange Dictator as “weaponized ignorance and aggressive delusion” is maybe the best summary of these nutty encounters with the Fourth Estate that I’ve yet heard – every once in a while, I guess I need to pay attention to these utter train wrecks, and I think Pakman’s commentary is spot on…

…and John and Jayar Jackson talk about the back-and-forth between Capitol Hill and the Gropenfuhrer about some kind of a relief bill…something as close as possible to this is best, but don’t hold your breath…great point towards the end about what it literally our $$ getting paid into this government that people suffering from COVID-related misery need more of at this moment…

Update: I believe Pelosi not necessarily because I trust her that much, but because behavior like this from that "Freedom Caucus" puke Mark Meadows is pretty much par for the wretched course.

…and speaking of folks in need of assistance from our current economic crisis, Farron Cousins tells us that FLA Repug Guv Ron DeSantis basically threw Lex Luthor Scott under the proverbial bus recently – no honor among thieves, obviously…

…and this Now This video discusses a recent Lincoln Project ad about the response to the COVID outbreak from Our Orange Pustule…

…and speaking of The Lincoln Project, this clip gives “Wonder Boy” Jared Kushner the smack he deserves…

…and this great ad from Really American features the ringing voice of clarity and freedom from the recently departed Dem U.S. House Rep and civil rights marcher John Lewis speaking out about the importance of voting, something particularly timely given the recent anniversary of signing the now-gutted-by-the-High-Court-of-Hangin'-Judge-JR Voting Rights Act into law 55 years ago (of course, the John Lewis Voting Rights Act Renewal is one of the MANY bills stuck on the desk of Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao - to do something about that, click here)…

Update: And speaking of elections, I haven't forgotten about the PA-01 contest coming up this year (video after the Purple Heart post...and to help Christina Finello running against Bri-Fi, click here).

…and Seth Meyers brings us a wrap-up of recent news from a few days ago (don't see any books this time - and hey, watch it with those “third child” jokes, OK :-)…

…and speaking of anniversaries, yesterday marked the 75th one of the dropping of the “A” bomb on Hiroshima, and Sunday marks the same for Nagasaki (here) – I may end up losing liberal brownie points for saying that, as horrible as that was, I don’t oppose it since we didn’t start the damn war…I DEFINITELY have an issue with everything we did in the aftermath, however, setting off all of the dangerous brinksmanship that led up to the present day…with all of the horrors of our current regime, one that I guess it’s not hard to overlook is the abrogation of all of our treaties (with this definitely in mind), which often happens under Republican administrations, one of the many reasons why they should NEVER be given power, executive, legislative, judicial…you name it…there are a couple of quick “F” blasts in this tune, just so you know.

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