Friday, June 07, 2024

Friday Stuff

Kyle Kulinksi tells us about an Irish politician putting “Bibi” on blast over his latest murderous Gaza incursion...and I guess, when we see awful stories like this, we’re not even supposed to care anymore? If so, what concentric circle of hell are we actually living in?

Yeah, let’s just reward this butcher with an address before a joint session of Congress (here). What’s the dif, right? (NSFW/H)...

...and Sam and Emma of The Majority Report discuss Portland, Oregon nurse Monica Johnston, who worked with a team inside Gaza to try and treat Palestinians who have been blown to pieces...this clip should be required viewing for everyone in this country (including this guy)...

...and I know I’ve kind of dumped on Sharon Reed a bit in the past to be honest because I don’t think she’s brought a lot to the table with her videos, but I think she does good work here presenting the utterly ruinous bill to despoil thousands of acres of public lands for mining presented by the beyond-wretched Paul Gosar of Arizona, and Reed contrasts that with great work by Katie Porter, presenting an amendment that would ensure accountability to the Repugs’ typically awful bill...she kind of gets in a dig at corpora-Dems at the end, but I’m OK with that because she’s basically right (and this is more "on the nose" lunatic behavior from Gosar also)...

...and Beau lets us know that scandal-plagued-Dem Bob Menendez of New Jersey will run for another term in the U.S. Senate as an independent, now that Andy Kim has won the nod to run as the Dem (here)...if this move ends up splitting the vote enough to actually hand this seat to a Repug and Dems lose the Senate, Menendez should be publicly tarred and feathered...

...and it looks like Judge Winebox made a fool of herself yet again, claiming that President Biden supposedly was looking for an invisible chair to sit down during the D-Day proceedings yesterday or thereabouts, when in reality (if you let the video play out a few more seconds), he, President Macron of France and others were about to do the same thing when Defense Secretary Austin got ready to speak...yeah, there’s definitely no bar too low when it comes to trying to tar #46 with made-up nonsense (David Doel tells us about it...”commander-AND-chief??” Huh???...also NSFW/H)...

...and this clip from More Perfect Union discusses how a private equity company took over the Alamo Drafthouse movie theaters and led to ruinous consequences, though there have been positive developments on the organizing front, with theater workers in New York and Colorado voting to join a union...

...and I wish we had a commentator in this country who can “bring it” like Jonathan Pie “across the pond” does...he lets us know what an abysmal record the Tories have on immigration, among other issues (yet another NSFW/H clip)...

...and I think this is an appropriate seasonal selection – hope you’re able to enjoy nice weather wherever you are.

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