Thursday, June 06, 2024

Thursday Stuff

Even though I’m definitely not a fan of this network, I thought this was a pretty well done clip to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day invasion during World War II...more here (I think the editorializing runs on a bit at the end of the video, though, to be honest)...

...and I thought this was a well-done CBC report on the observance...

...and yes, I liked this Lincoln Project ad, though the problem with that group as far as I’m concerned is that they still seem to believe in these mythical “Eisenhower Republicans” who haven’t existed for decades...don’t try telling Repugs to do the right thing, because they won’t; VOTE ALL OF THEM THE HELL OUT OF OFFICE!!!...

...and turning to more contemporary military matters, Beau tells us that Generalissimo Trump’s new campaign promise is to basically get rid of the generals...among Beau’s many good points is the fact that being “woke” is pretty much a necessity when embedded with indigenous overseas populations, since you’ll need these folks for intelligence...yes, we need to fight Our Treasonous Orange Nightmare with all the lawful means at our disposal, but he has a long way to go to try and bend our government to his foul instincts (doesn’t mean he won’t try, of course)...

...and Thom Hartmann tells us that it looks like Combover Caligula could be on the hook for about $454 mil to New York state from (alleged!) fraud and ongoing litigation; Thom also asks some good questions about putting up the bond for #45’s various legal escapades...definitely need to “follow the money” a lot more closely when it comes to Our Treasonous Orange Pustule (And Convicted Felon)...

...and Jesse Dollemore introduces us to somebody named Julie Green, claiming to speak for The Almighty; she is all full of righteous indignation over the guilty verdict in the Stormy Daniels hush money payoff case...I wouldn’t even imagine tempting fate like she does, but apparently the crazy train has already left the station (slightly NSFW/H)...

...but you’d better not tell Green and her fellow sycophants about the post-conviction polling, which has nothing but bad news for Bronzer Beelzebub (Farron Cousins discusses the findings)...we still have over five months to go in the campaign and it’s going to be a fight every step of the way, and unfortunately voters tend to forget...just need to reinforce the bad messaging on #45 with good messaging on “No Malarkey Joe” (and speaking of our lackey for "Vlad The Butcher," let's not let this get the "memory hole" treatment concerning Murdoch Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich)...

...and I thought this tune was appropriate for today's anniversary.

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